So you’ve decided to generate some income through letting out a property. This can be a perfect way to have someone else pay your mortgage, make some income, and let the equity accrue in your property for the future. Once you have made that decision however there is some thought that needs to go into that.
A question to ask before letting
Let’s start with a question you might have, is it worth renting out my property? If your property happens to be situated in a great location close to local amenities and has good transport access then it is likely to be very appealing to prospective tenants. This could be a real opportunity for you to make financial gain.
Letting the property out yourself
Whether you buy a property with the specific intention of letting it out or you already have a property you’ve decided to let, there are a range of things that need to happen. Now as with anything in life you could always do this yourself. Life is busy however, do you want the hassle of finding tenants and then managing them going forward? You would be better off handing it over to an expert agent. Of course, being a letting agent we would tell you to let us deal with your property but there are very good reasons to have an agent handle this for you.
Many people choose to let out the property because they don’t want to lose income through agencies but there are many advantages to using an agent:
● At James, we are qualified and will ensure you are compliant in every aspect of letting your property
● We have access to a database of tenants
● As an agent, we understand the responsibilities that you would need to fulfil as a landlord
● Market the property and take away the hassle of finding the perfect tenant
● We will source references and credit check your prospective tenants
● We can advise on how to make your property appealing
● James lettings have years of experience in dealing with tenants
● We have access to reputable tradespeople and can deal with property issues quickly and efficiently on your behalf
Why you should let your property
It’s fair to say then that if handled correctly following the right legislation, letting your property can provide an income for now and a nice nest egg for the future. Come and see how James Estate Agents can make this happen for you.